Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who's Ready For Some FOOTBALL!?

Earlier this month it was confirmed that Keith Urban will be performing during this year's Super Bowl pregame show in Texas! It will "kick off" (pun intended) his 2001 Get Closer World Tour on February 6th. Oh, and Jake Own has been announced to be one of the openers of Keith's concerts this summer...I can't wait!

Happy Australia Day!

Today, January 26th, marks the day that our entire world celebrates Australia Day! Obviously this day holds a special place in my heart because of my favorite Aussie - Mr. Keith Urban! I wish Keith, Nicole, Sunday Rose, and Faith Margaret the best Australia Day ever!

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!

Though it may have come to a shock to nearly everyone, Keith, Nicole, and Sunday Rose welcomed the newest addition to their family, Faith! Knowing the type of person Keith is, it's no wonder he and Nicole named their daughter's just perfectly fitting! How did this happen if Nicole was looking perfectly trim at the Golden Globes last night, you may ask. WELL...they actually had a woman hold the baby for them. Faith is COMPLETELY biologically Keith and Nicole's, but was harbored by another woman---how fantastic! I must say, I wish they had asked me to carry the baby, but nonetheless she's a healthy baby girl born on December 28th, 2010.

Read more here:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Keith on GAC

GAC recently featured a Fan Q&A session with Mr. Keith Urban....check it out!

Please note how extra GORGEOUS he looks!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Keith's Sound Check

Don't miss out on Keith's Sound Check with Wal-Mart! It features a variety of KU hits from his new album in addition to a few oldies, but goodies. Check it out here:

Monday, January 3, 2011

Keith's Year In Review

Well, it's 2011 and that OFFICIALLY means Keith's Get Closer Tour is THIS YEAR! In this week's Urban Developments Keith's crew focuses on his 2010 year in review. The greatest part about the video is that the initial picture you click to see the link (as seem above) is from Vermont...and I'm in it! The video taken from this photo is also a part of the Urban Development video. I look a bit ridiculous in the picture because I'm super teary-eyed and beyond excited...but hey, at least I'm in it!

Check it out here: